The Babs goes “Baa!”
February 22nd, 2006 by Babs

Swiped from davensjournal

LJ Interests meme results

  1. colorguard:
    I grew up in a drum corps. family, so naturally I wanted to be a part of one.

    Back when I started, the flagpoles we carried were 7 feet long! Very tough for a 7-year-old to spin! They were also so heavy we needed to wear special harnesses with cups to hold the flags. These five and a half footers are so much eaiser to work with!

    As I was always the tallest girl in the colorguard, I often got stuck carrying the American flag in the honor guard. Sometimes I still do with the Light Brigade.

    Colorguard is well known as a breeding ground for drama. Fortunately, the guard I’m with now is too old for that shit. When we aren’t busy with our program, we’re chatting away (and sometimes getting piss drunk!).

  2. fairly oddparents:
    I caught an episode of this one day, while Ben was watching it. I immediately fell in love! Wanda is my kind of gal (her hair is even my favorite color!), and Cosmo cracks me up.
  3. good funny movies:
    What’s to say? I like movies that have a plot and are funny.
  4. jello shots:
    Mmmmmmmmmmmm! Jello shots! The official shot of the Light Brigade! Vodka is usually the alcohol of choice, with the favorite jello flavor being cherry. Watermelon isn’t too bad, either. Mary and I are still talking about trying lime jello with tequila. Maybe this summer.
  5. mighty morphin’ power rangers:
    Go! Go! Power Rangers!

    Though I did partially enjoy the later seasons, MMPR will always be my favorite. I’m an Oliverette through and through!

  6. online business:
    I’ll probably never be able to afford a house, so owning an online business is the next best thing. The BHFC is something I can work hard at, be proud of, and maybe (if I’m successful enough) be able to pass down to my boys, someday.
  7. reading:
    I love to read! Non-fiction is my first choice, with Gundam Wing lemons, MMPR lemons, and Team Rocket lemons right behind.
  8. slash:
    See above.

    Love to read good slash/yaoi/femmeslash/yuri. I also like to write it, but it usually doesn’t come out like I planned it.

  9. unicorns:
    I started my first collection back in 1977. This was back when unicorns were still abundant and you could find quality items. Somewhere I still have a photo of my shelves that were covered with uni knickknacks. It was my pride and joy! I still love them, but it’s very hard to find them now.
  10. witchcraft:
    I’m a Witch and I love to craft…

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