The Muses Are Getting Restless
Feb 21st, 2006 by Babs

I think my muses are trying to tell me something. Exactly which fandom, and which story, however is still to be figured out.

Last night I had a dream in the Power Ranger universe. Mighty Morphin’ that is. It started out with me as the author, trying to figure out how I’m going to pull off this Mary Sue. I didn’t want her to be Miss Perfect who saves the day. That would be too obvious! Instead I made up this bizarre learning disorder, that makes her appear as dumb as a rock to everyone, even though she’s really wicked intelligent.

So the story begins, somewhere. Our Mary Sue (which, of course, is me) meets Tommy Oliver, who magically knows about her disability and offers to help her overcome it.

At some point during this dream I see a school with huge tubes coming out of it (a la ET). Instead of standing around, watching people in protective gear walking in and out of the school, the students are lined up at the front door. The really odd thing is that I cannot remember if the meeting between myself and Tommy was a result of this scene, if the scene occured as sort of a backdrop to the meeting or, if it was the result of the meeting. I completely forgot when it takes place as soon as I woke up.

Anyhow, I remember Kimberly making some snarky remark to me, and later I grab a bottle of wine (because for some unknown reason I’m now staying at Tommy’s home), and try to seduce him. That part, alone, makes me wonder if King Thomas is trying to persuade me to finish writing my York Peppermint Patty lemon.

The unplaceable scene, however, rather reeks of the G-Boys and the story “In Their Own Worlds”, which is being written out of order and has resulted in a few plot conflicts. I’m wondering if either Quatre, or even Duo, might have convinced Thomas to take some of the heat from the frustration I’ve been dealing with as a result trying to write this story.

Feb 21st, 2006 by Babs

I’m eating Frosted Mini Spooners.


Just checking to see if I’m the only one with their mind in the gutter.

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