January 25th, 2006 by Babs

I have a big favor to ask of my Witchy friends.

My last attempt to ressurect my PC has failed with it now insisting there is a CPU error. I sacrificed my 13GB drive in this attempt, the one that housed my pathetic BOS. Fortuantely the important stuff had already been tranferred to a little spot I have online. It appears, however, that I have lost most of my collection of Pagan humor, because I didn’t get a chance to upload it.

If anyone happens to have any of this kind of stuff, or know where I can find it online, would they be willing to share? I’m particularly looking for the Redneck Charge of the Goddess, the online initiation, ways not to get invited back to a ritual (I know there are a number of various versions of this one, but unless you happen to have the one that mentions the use of a Power Ranger dagger as an athame, I’ll take pretty much any version), and a cartoon of school kids performing a ritual with the teacher saying “I don’t think this is what they meant by freedom of religion.”

Much thanks and virtual hugs in advance!

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8 Responses  
  • dawnmipb writes:
    January 26th, 20061:35 amat

    Boy, for a moment there, I thought you were going to ask for a resurrection spell. And I was thinking, “Damn! If she gets one of those, I want it for my Mac!”

    Sorry. I bet has a BUNCH of that stuff. She’s always posting Teh Funny.

    Me, I am very much the Humble Novice. *bows and scrapes*

    • Babs writes:
      January 26th, 200612:25 pmat

      I’ve added her copies of the Chocolate, and Bill the Cat, rituals to my memories, so those are safe from my evil computer. I think she might have mentioned once that she had one of the ones I’m looking for.

      *bows and scrapes along side you*

  • davensjournal writes:
    January 26th, 20061:59 amat

    I can zip up my entire collection and email it to you, or let you download it. But i warn you it’s HUGE.

    I DO have the cartoon of the kids. I can find the rest online.

    • Babs writes:
      January 26th, 200612:36 pmat

      How big? The laptop only has about 14GB left! :o)

      Downloads and links sound good. Most of the stuff was acquired via email and dummy me didn’t make the connection between email and internet, so I probably could’ve searched for some of it myself. *is embarrassed*

      By the way, am I imagining things, or did you not have an article on reaching an Alpha state? I did a search on your site and came up with many articles that mention it, but I could’ve sworn you had one specifically on that subject.

      Maybe I am losing my mind.

      • davensjournal writes:
        January 26th, 20061:44 pmat

        You are losing your mind, I never had an article like that. Sorry.

        • Babs writes:
          January 26th, 20062:31 pmat

          Well at least it’s finally been confirmed.

      • davensjournal writes:
        January 26th, 20061:45 pmat

        Oh, it’s something like 2 GB of stuff. I have to split it between two CDs, one for the documents, one for the pictures.

        • Babs writes:
          January 26th, 20062:46 pmat

          I should be able to fit that. I have a 10Mbps connection until the end of the month, and after that I’ll have 7Mbps (or I better, if RCN doesn’t want to hear me bitch), so downloading isn’t a problem, though mailbox size might be.

          Whatever’s easiest for you. I’m extremely appreciative of the offer. I’m not going to get picky over the details.

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