Well isn’t that special.
February 15th, 2007 by Babs

I don’t know how well known the company TJX is known outside New England. These guys own TJ Maxx, Home Goods, Marshall’s, AJ Wright, and Bob’s. Anyway’s back in December someone hacked into their computers and obtained a shitload of customer information, including credit card numbers. Unfortunately, they didn’t bother telling anyone until January. TJX claimed it was because Federal investigators told them not to announce it, that this would further breach security. The rest of us are thinking they kept their mouths shut because the incident happened at the peak of the holiday shopping season.

Since my card was replaced last summer, I had only used the new one once at a TJX store (Bob’s, whose information they weren’t sure had been obtained), and surely my bank would tell me immediately if my card number had be compromised, I figured I was in the clear.


Today, two months after the hacking incident, I received an “oh by the way” letter from my bank. They non-chalantly mentioned that they were issuing me a new card, and that despite the fact that sone else had my card number, my current card was still usable until I receive the new one. *faceplam*

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4 Responses  
  • finnyb writes:
    February 16th, 20074:41 pmat

    Companies can be really *stupid* sometimes. This is one of those times.

    (And yes, I do know about TJX–we have [or had; as I am up in Calgary at the moment I cannot say for sure] a TJ Maxx in the Springs, and there was one in Hartford I found when I spent winter break in a homeless shelter.)

    • finnyb writes:
      February 16th, 20074:43 pmat

      Oh, and I think there might be a Marshalls down there somewhere, too.

      (Apostrophe omitted because Firefox–at least I *guess* it is Firefox–is refusing to let me use them. Most annoying. Especially since I have yet to figure out if there is any way to get it–either Firefox or XP or whatever it is–to quit doing that.)

      • Babs writes:
        February 16th, 20075:11 pmat

        It could be a combo, but I think certain pages trigger it. Does your search box open when you type in an apostrophe? That’s what mine does.

        • finnyb writes:
          February 16th, 20075:46 pmat

          I guess that’s what happens. (And obviously it’s not happening now; it doesn’t always.) This funky grey box-thingie pops up on the bottom of the screen, the apostrophe (or “/,” sometimes) ends up in there, and it won’t let me keep typing a comment or e-mail or whatever I’m typing if I try to use apostrophes. All I know for sure is that it’s darn annoying–I like my contractions and such!

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