Ever Have One of Those Days…
Sep 16th, 2003 by Babs

When everything seems to go wrong and then you say something like “Dear Goddess, it can’t possibly get any worse than this.”

And then it does?

*sigh* I was up all night because for the first time in years Glenn has a cold and his constant coughing was keeping me awake.

I did my weekly weigh in and discovered, that despite all my dieting and exercise, I’m gaining weight.

It was pouring out this morning and Glenn very nicely pointed out how nice it would’ve been if I was n’t so cheap and coughed up the $5 for a used, unlined rain coat for Jarret at one of last weekend’s yard sales.

While packing up Jarret’s backpack, I realized he didn’t finish his homework so we had to dash through it this morning.

I get home from taking Jarret to school and check my eBay sales. It turns out that the buyer whom I just sent a payment reminder to has gone from 0 to -1 for non-payment.

I finally hear back that my order of Tarot Erotica decks is on its way, only to find that the psycho bitch who saw how well I was doing with them and stole my graphic to sell the decks herself is back (she deliberately underprices hers so no one will buy mine).

After the payment for the decks went through I forgot that I didn’t set aside money to pay my eBay fees which are due in a few days.

Did I mention that one of my favorite hemp pieces that I crafted is being returned? So now I have to have money for the refund, too.

I originally thought I had only one item to ship out today so I wasn’t in a hurry to pack it up, then realized I wrong. I was frantically trying to fit bubble wrapped tinwhistles into tubes (because Scotch bubble wrap is much thicker than Staples’, and it isn’t recycled, either), trying to make it to the bank on time.

Which I didn’t.

The finale was returning to the car from the post office and discovering the hood was covered with dried cola and scratched (I didn’t catch it sooner because the car had been parked in the shade, nose in). Now, since it had been raining this morning the dirty deed had to have been performed this afternoon. It was also done while the asshole was on the property, since they found the bottle sitting pretty by the recycle bins. I only hope they didn’t pour any into the gas tank!

Now I think I’ll go enjoy a mug of Sencha green tea then go to bed.

Anyone want to join me? *grin*


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