Sep 14th, 2003 by Babs

Now that my migrane has finally subsided I can write another entry. You’d think that someone who knows they are allergic to onions would avoid eating Italian sausages smothered in peppers and onions. *sheepish grin*
    Yesterday was Town Day, for those of you who do not have the pleasure of living in Arlington. That meant the post office was closed, so I couldn’t mail any of my packages. :o)
    Glenn spent the morning cleaning up Spy Pond from the night before (can you say shaving cream?) before coming home to join us on our outing down Mass. Ave. We picked up a few used DVDs (Shanghai Knights, Drumline, Evolution and Kangaroo Jack) and added to my ever dwindling pen supply. Jarret was ecstatic that Cambridge Savings Bank still had their bubble pens and spent the afternoon blowing bubbles. Ben was bummed because Video Horizons didn’t have any video games for sale this year. Oh well their tent sale is only a few weeks away. Glenn has forbidden me to buy books at the library’s annual book sale (even if I plan to sell them on eBay) but I did manage to snag a CD of “Freeze Frame” by the J. Geils Band. That was my first J. Geils record, oh so long ago, and is still one of my faves.
    While not as fun as the “Bush for Lawn Ornament” bumper sticker I acquired a few years ago, the “Bush Lies, Who Dies?” sticker I got yesterday was worn proudly. I thought Stratton’s PTO table was very disappointing this year. Usually they have some activities for the kids in addition to the Stratton t-shirts and sweats. This time they had nothing but a bunch of junk for sale.
    I met a fellow Witch, and saw someone wearing a beautiful “Blessed Be” t-shirt (I must get out to Salem), and lost count as to how many times I was asked if I’d like a free bible.

After we returned from Town Day, we rested up for a bit and then headed out again to find three new additions to the Feng Shui Goldfish. Brofather/Bubba/Black Moe died earlier this week. *sniff* He was three and a half years old. Two new ones died shortly thereafter so I did a decent-sized water change before setting out to get the new fish. I was going to let Sanosuke take over Brofather’s job as protector of the “school” but after a close inspection I decided he was more gray than black, and only a black fish would do for that position.
    I am still thinking of names for them: A Black Moor, a silver goldfish and a gold goldfish. I can’t believe I’ve run out of anime characters to name them after! It doesn’t help that my imagination is failing me, either. Any suggestions?


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