Happy Halloween!
Oct 31st, 2003 by Babs

Just got in from taking the boys trick or treating. *munches on a Baby Ruth* Jarret doesn’t like nuts, so as a thank you for going over his candy I got to get all the “nutty” candy. There were a few foil wrapped pieces I didn’t trust (especially since they are now plastic wrapped) but otherwise all is well.
    Jarret went out as Yugi Mutou, and Ben was Jimmy Hendrix. Ben was supposed to be a pirate but Jarret broke his sword, so we had to do a quick put-together. He spent the whole day whining about how no one would know who he was supposed to be, yet everyone seemed to recognize him.
    Grove ST Place was dead this year; I guess all the kids there have grown up. Oak Hill was crowed, though. I think next year we’ll spend more time there. I swear the folks in one of the houses we went to was also having, had, or were going to have a ritual for the Sabbat as when the boys came back from their door they smelled of sage and cedar incense. this is why I wait until the actual cross-quarter day.
    Half of both boy’s bags were filled with Kit Kat bars. This is funny when you know that Kit Kats were on sale for $1.88, making them the cheapest candy this year. They are currently snacking on some popcorn that Jarret’s teacher gave him as a Halloween treat. The rest of it is being locked away until next treat time.

I think I caught fablespinner‘s cold. *grin* My eyes are burning and I’ve got a sore throat, and even though I live behind the high school, which was evacuated today because some smartass apparently flooded the ventilation system with pepper spray, I highly doubt that could be the reason I feel like shit. I probably won’t be staying up too late tonight, which sucks because I hardly get to hang with my online friends anymore.
    I do hope I’m either over it or haven’t gotten into the really crappy stages by Sunday, as I have a four hour drum corps practice that day. I can’t believe the Plymouth parade/show is only three weeks away. Thank the Goddess I’m only in three songs! The flourish that was added to the Danny Boy toss is still going to be a bitch, though. Not only are we closer than when we were in Scranton (so we have to accommodate for that), but the flourish (present/right back slam/right side spin/toss) has to be done sequentially and done in four, very quick counts. The momentum built up during the first three counts often results in flags being tossed halfway across the floor! *laughs*
    Our next parade is in Malden (MA) on Veterans’ Day. I plan to add the starting time, et al to “It’s Today!” when I get it. I hope they let me “command” the Khakis again, though I think I scared the beejeebus out of Mark. Yeah, I’m loud!

Well I’m going to take care of a few things, then probably head to bed.



Trick or Treat!
Oct 27th, 2003 by Babs

A little something I swiped from fablespinner:

My LiveJournal Trick-or-Treat Haul
babspace goes trick-or-treating, dressed up as Himura Kenshin.
apt_indignation gives you 2 light orange grape-flavoured gummies.
backfromhell tricks you! You lose 1 pieces of candy!
billion_dlr_boy gives you 15 light blue mint-flavoured gummy bears.
duoneko gives you 6 red-orange cinnamon-flavoured jelly beans.
duonekophile gives you 19 light yellow tropical-flavoured pieces of taffy.
fablespinner tricks you! You get a piece of string.
jade1x2 tricks you! You get a rock.
silent_trtmnt03 gives you 18 light blue strawberry-flavoured gummy worms.
vr2lbast gives you 15 tan vanilla-flavoured gummy worms.
babspace ends up with 74 pieces of candy, a piece of string, and a rock.
Go trick-or-treating! Username:
Another fun meme brought to you by rfreebern.

It looks like I got her string, too! *grin*


And I wasn’t even trying!
Oct 24th, 2003 by Babs

youÂ’re ginji, everyoneÂ’s favortie raitei. youÂ’re generally very happy, though your perky smile hides the chaotic emotions inside you and the angst that is ready to be unleashed at any m
amano ginji

which getbackers anime character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla


I am Amano Ginji.
Which GetBackers Character Are You?


Oct 21st, 2003 by Babs

Well I’m done downloading all the episodes of GetBackers. I love the ending credits of the final season, and I have to say I think episode 39 was the funniest! If anyone wishes to snag a virus-free copy of any of the eps from me (along with anything else I have to share), and you have WinMX I can be found under the name of Maxwell_Pink490. Please be forewarned that if I have a “line” those that are also sharing their files get priority (and one lonley text file lableled “imsorry.txt” does not qualify).
    I’m keeping my fingers crossed that this Sunday will be a fairly decent day…or at the very least dry. I’m marching in a parade in Woburn, MA, and after being soaked to the bone two weeks ago in Shirley, and well chilled this past weekend during practice, I wouldn’t mind I nice warm day. I’m bummed that we won’t get to wear costumes this year, though. *pout*
    After coming to the conclusion that video stores pretty much suck in Arlington (either in selection or service), we decided to finally give Netflix a try. I love having the ability to create a “wish list” so that if there’s a bunch of videos I want to see and can’t take them out all at once, I can at least keep track of them and have them sent to me at a later date. I also enjoy not having to worry about returning them on time! Our first set of DVDs arrived today… A day earlier than expected. I’ll let you know if we have any problems.
    Well I gotta get going. There’s devilspawn in need of strangling.


Did I Miss the Memo?
Oct 16th, 2003 by Babs

I awoke yesterday morning to the sound of wind whipping and torrential rain. Since we couldn’t use umbrellas, and none of us own a raincoat, I let the boys have the day off from school. About three hours later I felt like a fool for having done so. The sun was shining and the wind had diminished and it looked simply beautiful out! However, a few hours later it clouded up and the miserable weather was back again.
    Now, I don’t know about you, but to me, that kind of thing screams storm. Maybe not quite hurricane strength, but strong enough to apparently have an “eye”, and take out a ton of trees here in Arlington. And I heard nothing about it. Glenn was out with the tree department chopping up fallen trees so that NSTAR could get to the wires to restore power. We were without electricity for 4 hours, which wouldn’t have been too bad if our buidling’s back up battery for the emergency lights didn’t die five minutes after it came on. The other two buildings in our complex had emergency lights for the full four hours while we resorted to flashlights and candles (Thank the Goddess, I’m a Witch!). That irked me, since without power we are also without smoke detectors, an issue I’ve brought up more than once with our landlord. We used to have a smoke detector with a built-in backup, but that was fried back when one of the former idiots upstairs (Meaning they formerly lived upstairs. I don’t know whether or not they’re still idiots *grin*), ran a bath, forgot they were running a bath, and left to run an errand. *sigh* Maybe I’ll pick up one this weekend and have them install it.
    So, the power came back on around 11pm. I ran a quick check on my ‘puter since it doesn’t have a backup, and the power went while it was on. Somehow my browser’s history dumped all but four sites I had visited yesterday, which made no sense to me. Because I had installed an update I had to reboot, so losing everything after the reboot sounds logical, but I lost stuff from before, too. Oh well no biggy. The thorough chkdsk I performed this morning didn’t turn up any problems. So I guess we’re back to smooth sailing. But first I must see if I can salvage the sauce I had started last night, just before we lost power.


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