We don’t need no stinking washing machine!
Aug 16th, 2007 by Babs

I ordered a Rapid Washer last week. It arrived yesterday, just in time to give it a test run with that day’s laundry. For those of you who don’t know I’ve been favoring the plunger and bucket method of washing clothes over spending lots of money using our building’s washer and dryer, which don’t work half the time. The techique goes as such: Cut for those who don’t care

Getting kids their exercise back
Aug 14th, 2007 by Babs

Okay, I admit that Richard Simmons has a tendency to be rather annoying. But back in the day he was one of the few REAL exercise gurus and I loved him. What he’s trying to accomplish here is excellent, as far as I’m concerned. Hell, I live in a town whose school system has cut back exercise to two half an hour periods a day, then removed “treats” because they don’t want the kids to get fat. *rolls eyes*

ETA: That should read “two half an hour periods a week”, not “day”. Thanks neitherday!

Aug 9th, 2007 by Babs

Had my followup GYN appointment today. All the tests came back negative, including the one for HPV. It appears that my bleeding was due to a combination of the polyp and inflammation of the cervix. The polyp has already been removed, and I was given antiboitics at the last appointment, so I should be good to go. I will be stocking up on acidophillus to reduce the chances of the inflammation returning.

On my way out to my appointment I ran into my neighbor. His mother, a good friend of mine, passed away last night from cancer. I’m not sure what kind she had, but I’m also not sure it really matters as by the time they caught it, it had already taken over her body. They’re having a memorial for her on Monday. šŸ™

I’m having a go at Semagic. I never bothered with it in the past as I have an internet connection that’s always on, so I can type right into LJ. But now I’m going to see if I can use it to post the same post to several journals. Sadly, Insanejournal isn’t on the default list, but I think I can add it manually.

It’s a great feeling when you can get your clothes cleaner by hand than you can in a washer. Granted the fact that I’m plunging the crap out of them may have something to do with it. šŸ™‚

Well, it’s time for me to go get some ice cream (sugar free, of course!). Hopefully the boys haven’t eaten it all!

For those leaving LJ for Blogger:
Aug 8th, 2007 by Babs

Like LJ-Sec it only transfers the initial posts, not the comments, tags, or links. I just tested it, moving my cookbook over, with no problems.

I’ve made my decision
Aug 8th, 2007 by Babs

I think.

Due to bannings reportedly already going on at GJ combined with the coolness of IJ’s owner, the new home for my personal journal is going to be Insanejournal.

The other journals are still heading for Blogger. I’m so not looking forward to moving my BOS over there because I will have to do it manually. Heck I’m still not done with transferring the parts I had on Tripod, over to LJ! The other journals don’t have too many posts, so their relocations should go smoothly.

herbmcsidhe Found a link for some nifty moving tools: Ljarchive is absolutely wonderful for backing up one’s LJ! LJ-Sec is okay for transferring posts to a mirror site (such as IJ or GJ), but I’m saddened to see that it only moves the initial posts, not the comments, and there are some issues with certain types of posts (but you can read about more about it at the link).

So that’s my plan. When I read that SA will suspend an account for posting “inappropriate” material, even if it’s f-locked or private, that did it for me. That, and their ruling on pro-ana comms. *rolls eyes*

I’m still babspace pretty much everywhere, so feel free to look me up.

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