From the “created after the Unofficial, Offical Seax Wica list”:
August 3rd, 2007 by Babs

Over the last year or so polls were held throughout Seax Wica forums
to determine whether or not a new and “Third Stiweard” of Seax Wica
was needed. The great majority of Seax Gesith (Seax Priesthood) from
around the world decided that an election should take place Raymond
Buckland, the founder of Seax Wica had decided not to appoint a
Stiweard as it had caused so much trouble in the past! The election
was held a few weeks ago and subsequently and overwhelmingly Wulfeage
of the Coven of the Spiral Seax in the UK was voted into the position.
Murmuring voices of decent have been heard over the last week or so
from some that were not Seax Wica at the time of the election which
has resulted in them setting up an Un-Official Seax group??? These
none Seax were for whatever reason not happy with the democratic
process of electing a Stiweard and have subsequently been very busy
spitting bile and venom as they wallow in their stance that democracy
must be evil?
A very interesting observation at this point has to be made as the
none Seax that were dead against the election of any Stiweard
subsequently after the forming of their alliance opted to offer Daven
(former Seax Wica)the title of Un-official Stiweard of the US??? The
word hypocrisy comes to mind for those promoting their sycophantic
Davinian Branch Paganism!
The facts that remain throughout all the hoo-har and sword rattling

1, The election was Democratic and fair.
2, The fast majority of Seax Gesith wanted the election.
3, The vote was 100% in favour of Wulfeage.
4, The main “Anti stance” came from none Seax Wica.

Wulfeage, Third Stiweard of Seax Wica is the official representative
for the tradition world wide. The tradition welcomes all that are
true, honourable and seek an honest relationship with the gods
and their fellow Pagans.

Third Stiweard of Seax Wica

Bejabbers! Where the hell was this bullshit back when I started my garden for the season?

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4 Responses  
  • davensjournal writes:
    August 3rd, 20075:30 pmat

    I’m speachless.

    • Babs writes:
      August 3rd, 20076:16 pmat


      I just had a thought. I’m wondering how much of this could be Lee’s doing? I mean, when I interacted with Sean on the forum (and privately) he seemed polite, and acknowledged my concerns about a new Steward. Lee, on the other hand, has always been quite nasty, makes a lot of assumptions, and he seems to be more “present” than Sean has been. Is it possible that Sean has been more or less in the dark and only going by what Lee has been feeding him?

      Davinian Branch Paganism

      Ya know, that could have potential to become a rather interesting tradition. And you have been talking about leaving Seax…..


      • davensjournal writes:
        August 3rd, 20076:26 pmat

        You know, I’ve had my reputation trashed for having done things in the past, and that’s fine. It’s understandable. But this is the only time I’ve ever had my reputation trashed for not doing something.

        That’s Sean by the way. He sent that same phrase to me a couple times in private emails.

    • herbmcsidhe writes:
      August 3rd, 20078:33 pmat

      From the spelling in that post, shouldn’t you be speichloss? šŸ™‚

      I can understand why people feel a need to have someone at the top of the food chain in any initiatory line, but if Buckland felt it unnecessary, you would think that the rest of Seax-Wica would pay attention.

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