Mar 15th, 2006 by Babs

While over at my aunt and uncle’s house (we were eating Blue Ribbon BBQ and splitting a DVD of mine so I could view it on the laptop), we started discussing the future of my computer. My uncle, who orders and maintains the computers for BBN in Cambridge, suggested that since I practically need to rebuild from scratch, it might be cheaper (and less of a headache) to order a computer from Dell and add my stuff to it. My only concern with this route is that adding my own drives might invalidate their warranty.

I saw a nice model (E510) that comes with a 2.8 GHz dual core processor. I’m assuming that means it has two CPUs, but I’ll have to contact them to find out if they are both 2.8 GHz, which sounds logical condsidering the speed of CPUs today, or if that’s the speed that they think they will run at under most programs. After adding all the goodies I need (and deducting for the screen that I don’t) it’ll cost me $799 for a brand spanking new ‘puter, if I buy it on sale. So I have to get my taxes done tonight or tomorrow and hope I’ll have a check or two directly deposited into my account before the sale is over. *crosses fingers*

Mar 15th, 2006 by Babs

Is Danny Radcliffe legal yet?

Just checking.

Good luck on your journey.
Mar 9th, 2006 by Babs

Jarret’s dwarf hamster, Bite-Size, died last night. This is his third hamster, but it’s also the one who lived the longest. In fact he was quite active right up until he died in his sleep. Naturally, Jarret is quite upset about it, even taking offense at my smiling while trying to comfort him. He has also demanded that his next pet be one that lives a lot longer, preferably a cat. I have tried to point out to him that 1. Cats cost a lot to adopt, 2. They aren’t cheap to care for, and 3. Ribbon has already declared him her human (he’s the only she’ll sleep with, or let pet her for any length of time). He still wants one. It’ll take awhile before we can afford to adopt, so that will give him time to think about it and hopefully he’ll change his mind. *wonders how long ferrets live*

Bite-Size’s “funeral” will be this afternoon. Glenn offered to bury him last night, but I thought the daytime, when we can make sure that the hamster actually gets buried and not flung over the bike path (yes, Glenn would do that). I don’t have a box his size (he’s only two inches long) so we’ll probably wrap him in a paper towel shroud and bury him.

He was such a cute little bugger!

Mar 6th, 2006 by Babs

Weight Watcher’s Smart Ones’ Santa Fe Style Rice & Beans is absolutely fucking delicious!

Just saying.

Mar 4th, 2006 by Babs

Jarret is sacrificing Peeps by beheading them with a letter opener before eating them.

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