Anime Boston
Mar 19th, 2008 by Babs

This weekend I’ll be attending Anime Boston. This will be my first convention. Sort of. My first was actually WBCN’s Rock ‘n’ Roll Convention, but that was like 25 years ago and my impression is that anime conventions are a whole lot different. If anyone has any tips or pointers they’d like to share, PLEASE feel free to do so!

Friday will definitely be the big day for me, what with BRAD SWAILE and my friends’ Hentai panel (according to the preliminary schedule). I told my friend, Nikki, she better cover Yaoi in this panel because I’ll have to forgo the actual Yaoi panel for hers. I’ll probably return Saturday but not so sure about Sunday. I’m supposed to be in Chelmsford that day. šŸ˜›

I’ve got my Charlie Card loaded up with sufficient fundage to take public transportation in and back. I’m waiting for the MBTA site to stop being a bitch so I can verify my itinerary. I have my Gundam Wing art book set aside. My digital camera is charging. Is there anything I’m missing?

BTW, for f-list members who are also attending: I’m still the dreaded redhead… at least until the 29th. šŸ™‚

LJ Strike… and then some
Mar 19th, 2008 by Babs

(Swiped from blackthornglade who nabbed it from elfwreck)

This is the mentality we are dealing with in regards to LJ.

Um, yeah. After the strike I might not be coming back.

Mar 17th, 2008 by Babs

For one day, Friday, March 21, make no posts. Make no comments. Let there be NO new content added to LJ.

SUP obviously does not realize that Basic users have given something of value to them, that it is content that drives the site.

So, for one 24-hour period, from midnight
GMT to midnight GMT
, let’s see how many people we can get to pledge to contribute NO CONTENT.

This will create a permanent downward spike in the daily-posts statistics, a permanent reminder of the power of the userbase.

Full information at The Fox’s Den.


Something’s Funky at the Fogies
Mar 12th, 2008 by Babs

Was playing the Sims 2 this morning. One of the Bloom kids and his mate took over the Oldies’ home. Actually Trey Bloom had an affair with Mrs. Oldie (which probably gave her husband a heart attack). When she died he took over the lot and brought in his lover, Jason.

I haven’t played the lot since Jason moved in but let me tell ya, there’s some funky shit going on. The ever so talented Jason can now open the refrigerator door from the livingroom, and pull foodstuffs and simoleons out of the sofa. The equally talented Trey is now a contortionist, prefering to place plates on tables with his back turned to them. Then there’s the invisible transporter that zips them from the chair in the livingroom to the kitchen. Trey also uses it to transport into bed after he levitates wherever he’s at. Of course the funniest part is that they’ve both developed a fear of the microwave, freaking out every time they see it. šŸ™‚

Obviously there’s a glitch. Fortunately it does not appear to affect any of the other lots (not as of yet). I briefly panicked after installing Night Life and Gieke zipped once through his upstairs bedroom (in a new home), but it hasn’t happened since I added a bed.

Maybe if I practice a little Feng Shui I might remedy the problem?

Meme swiped from dbmyrrha
Mar 11th, 2008 by Babs

No One Under the Age of 21 May Play

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