Mar 9th, 2008 by Babs

Yesterday afternoon I was flipping through the channels when I wound up on Classic VH-1. They were playing Don Johnson’s “Heart Beat” which features a guitar solo by Dweezil Zappa. This was immediately followed by “Freeze Frame” by the J. Geils Band. Needless to say there was much inner squee-age, though there would’ve been more it the first video had been DZ’s cover of FZ’s “My Guitar Wants to Kill Your Mama”, which I somehow never saw. Yes, I know. Bad fangirl. No cookie for me!

Anyway, after completing today’s errands I decided (for shits and grins) to see if I could find a copy of this video online. I honestly didn’t think I’d find one. At least not one of decent quality. The Zappa Trust tends to be rather protective of their properties, dontcha know? šŸ˜› But a nice one I did find! I’m somewhat confused over why didn’t get more airtime on MTV given the crap that was available at that time, especially from the hard rockers (you know: men with big hair, tight spandex, publicly beating off playing strategically slung guitars, while prancing about in front of the video cameras).

I larfed. I cried. I larfed some more.

And now I’m going to share it with you poor schmucks! šŸ™‚

Cut for those on LJ

Drama Llama Ding Dong
Mar 1st, 2008 by Babs

Wednesday night I arrived at color guard practice to learn our captain/instructor, Sandy, had quit, due to “irreconcilable differences”. I’m wondering if we can impeach our Board, Manager and President. Over the last two years the corps. has lost a good many members to other alumni groups, so the last thing we need to drive more away. But what do they do? They piss off an important staff member. One who could take at least half the guard with her. I can only think of two reasons that would be severe enough to make Sandy quit. One is that she’s being forced to write a whole new show for the guard, the other is that they let Ellie back. Either of those would probably make the rest of the color guard leave. We tried the whole new show thing last year. It was HELL! We weren’t given ample practice space, let alone ample practice time, so stress ran amuck. We made it clear to the Board we weren’t going to do it again. As for Ellie, well she’s a fucking bitch that nobody wants to work with. šŸ˜€

Thursday Amber T. Pusscat scared the beejezus out of me when she went hiding under the Teen’s bed for a day, after a night of spewing and shitting everywhere. I have no idea what caused it, but she is obvioulsy feeling better now. Both this morning and evening she jumped into my lap at meal time to remind me she hadn’t been fed, yet. I’ll have to keep a close eye on her to see if she’s getting into anything that I’m not aware of.

Thursday night Glenn secured himself a part-time job at a local liquor store. Yes, the alcoholic will soon be spending his nights surrounded by booze. *facepalm*

I received an email from Sandy last night. Apparently those irreconcilable differences were reconcilable after all. She’ll be back next week. I just hope they caved, not her.

My wrist is now wrapped up in a nifty wrist brace because the combo of color guard, hand washing clothes, and surfing the internets has wrecked havoc on it. It is much fun trying to weight train with it on. Not. I have no choice, however, because the free weights put stress on my wrist, too.

I found this in my email this just a bit ago: I didn’t think Comcast could sink any lower. Sadly they have proved me wrong. I think it’s time we vote them off the planet.

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