Oct 8th, 2007 by Babs

So, I’d been using the gold method that davensjournal suggested, while waiting for my doctor’s appointment. I awoke Friday morning to find the stye draining. šŸ™‚ I still kept my appointment with my doctor, but I will be on the phone with HMO Blue tomorrow in regards to moving to the clinic my boys’ Pedi moved to. I love Dr. Ham and Lisa, but the other staff have got to go. Friday I spent an hour in the waiting room because there wasn’t an exam room open, and the bitch doing the patient shuffling forgot all about me… And then had the nerve to lie about it, to both me and the doctor. Adding to it all is the fact that my doctor was quitre (gee, I wonder who I have on the brain?) surpised that I had to wait almost a week to be seen.

Anyway. It’s a stye, it’s draining, and I got a prescription for some goop to get rid of any infection. šŸ˜› I was instructed to apply warm compresses to encourage it to continue to drain. I think I’ll brew up those corriander seeds, dip a washcloth into that and use that as a compress (allowing some of the brew to drip into the eye) before I try the eye goop.

I wasn’t able to pick up my notebook paper Friday. I picked up 400 sheets on Saturday and started writing today. Got 570 words written. Not much considering how much I was bitching earlier, but I did manage to make a major dent in the plot as a whole (if only in my head).

I uploaded the torrent for the second season of Max Headroom to my account on The Pirate Bay. Within 20 minutes I had 34 leechers. šŸ™‚ Folks have been taking the 27th Lancer audio and running. Bastards! After monitoring the seeds I’m finding it’s best to keep at 5 seeds at a time, so as soon as one reaches it’s goal, I’ll upload another. I think the second season of Duckman will be next. If anyone happens to stumble across torrents for “Doctor, Doctor” let me know!

Still tightening the belt. We’ve gone urban dairy with the purchase of a large box of powdered milk. Considering we’ve been drinking skim, it’s not that bad, but the boys are still pitching a bitch. Ben is insisting that, as a growing teen, he needs real milk. Jarret is just whining about the taste, even though he’s never really had the stuff straight (thus far I’ve been using it in the macaroni and cheese, and homemade bread).

I did pick up a cheap earring holder. It’ll save me money in the long run. I keep losing my earrings and having to buy new pairs. I also bought some yarn to make a runner for my altar. Hopefully it will be done in time for Samhain. The stitch I’m using looks pretty!

Because I should be doing the housecleaning….
Oct 4th, 2007 by Babs

1. Put your music player on shuffle.
2. Press forward for each question.
3. Use the song title as the answer to the question even if it doesn’t make sense. NO CHEATING!

Cut for Flist

BabsNoWriMo Take 2
Oct 4th, 2007 by Babs

Back in July I mentioned I was making another attempt to write a particular original story. For reasons mentioned in that post, I kind of got sidetracked. My first thought was to make it a NaNo project, but November is such a horrible month for me, what with the show in Plymouth. Hell, even at last night’s practice I was torn between breaking down (for being at practically every practice since the beginning of the year and still not being able to maintain half of the show in my head), and smacking Ellie (for being a bitch and showing up a month and a half before the show, after being missing all year, and demanding we drop everything to teach her). I ended up breaking down. šŸ™

Anyway, I had decided on making October BabsNoWriMo. So on October 1st I plopped myself down in front of my computer for two hours… and typed approximately 400 words. *facepalm* Definitely a far cry from the 20 pages I had handwritten in two hours, in my notebook back in July. But now I know for certain what I’ve always suspected: the creative juices flow more freely when I’m writing by hand.

So. Tomorrow, after my doctor appointment, I’m heading over to Staples and picking myself an uber large notebook and a pack of pen refills. Then I’m going to kick everyone the fuck out of my room and get some writing done. This means I’ll have to count the words manually in order to keep track. *shrugs* BTW does anyone know how NaNo counts words? I seem to recall it’s different than the way MS Word does. I’m thinking they might use the traditional 5 characters/spaces = 1 word. I may also extend my month by a couple of days to make up for my first day fiasco and that fact that I haven’t been up to writing since this stye acted up. Yeah, I know that’s cheating. I think I’ll survive. šŸ™‚ It’s kind of hard to focus on words when an eye is burning (I won’t even get into how long it took me to write this).

That’s my plan.

There’s a first time for everything
Oct 2nd, 2007 by Babs

Once, while I was in the highschool nurse’s office, a student was diagnosed with having a stye and sent home. I had always wondered what they were like.

Well now I know.

For the first time in *cough* nearly 43 years *cough* I have a stye. Jarret fiirst noticed it two weeks ago, and asked me why I had a pimple on my eyelid. I’ve been keeping the area clean, because I had been told that if I did so, the stye would go away on its own. I guess this stye didn’t get the memo. In fact I think it wanted to make sure I didn’t forget that promise I made to myself. The one where if I still had this thing after two weeks I’d call my doctor. Not only do I still have the stye, but this afternoon it quickly went from a very mild annoyance to “fuck it hurts!”. My inner (corner of the) upper lid is red and swollen and the whole inner eye hurts when I blink. Unfortunately, neither my PCP nor the only nurse practioner who speaks understandable English are available until Friday. *rolls eyes* Ouch!

Oct 2nd, 2007 by Babs

Temptations cat treats are kitty crack.

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