December 26th, 2006 by Babs

Yule and Christmas have come and gone. We focused on the kids this year, but I still managed to acquire a small haul. Yes, Jarret did get his cell phone. The cheaper one he originally wanted. After a two hour meltdown which had to be redirected to his room several times, it appears he may be starting to understand that Mom is not the one he wants to piss off. He has accepted his fate with the phone, and Friday when he remembered the book report he blew off (a second time) was due, he had another meltdown at school which warranted a call home from the Principal. I’m sure he thinks I’m a bitch for telling my son I was going to take back his gifts if he wouldn’t behave and do his homework. Fuck him.

Ben is currently playing Guitar Hero 2 which he bought with some of the gift cards he acquired from friends and family. He also replaced his PS2 memory card that he broke.

I, too, received a few gift cards. Since I’m a Leslie Sansone fan I picked up a DVD set that’s supposedly exclusive to Target. It was only five dollars more than just the DVD alone, on her site, so I figured it was a deal. I’m a bit disappointed in it. It’s definitely inferior to her more recent videos, which would have each complete workout seperate. On this one she does the type of editing that requires programing the DVD player for each different workout. šŸ™ Other than that it okay. I can use the other goodies that come with the set with some of the other videos I have of hers. I also picked up a datebook for myself. Technically it’s a diary but it has all the space I need each day to write down all the crap I need to do! I just finished writing iin all the astrological dates of the sabbats. No I have add my gardening schedule. Ben got me The Sims 2 Pets. I have to play with that some more before I decide whether I like it or not. Jarret got me a book of recipes for my bread machine. He loves it when I bake bread!

The best Christmas present? An email from Eric and Generic begging me to help them with the Light Brigade website. For those of you who don’t know last fall the corps began looking for my replacement as they seemed to be expecting more than what I could give them as webmaster. When The Twins offered to take the position the President gave me the impression of “don’t let the door hit you on the way out”, so I handed over everything I had to the boys and deleted it off my computer. A week later they emailed me to ask how to access the cpanel. Last week the drum major called and asked if I could walk them through managing the email addresses and the mailing list. Then there was yesterday’s email. These guys have no fucking clue how to run a website!!!! Bwahahahahahahaha!!

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