The Babs goes “Baaaaaa!”
May 26th, 2006 by Babs

1. What is your penname/nom de plume/author name/alias/handle?

Maxwell Pink

2. How did you choose it?

It started out as the name for my muse band. They got tired of it after awhile so I took it. It was back when women were really starting to get harrased on the internet. I thought it was a cool name since one couldn’t really be sure if I was a male named Maxwell Pink, or a psuedo Japanese fangirl named Pink Maxwell.

3. What fandom(s) do you write for?

Well…. I have muses from MMPR, Pokemon, Gundam Wing, Harry Potter, Yu-Gi-Oh!, GetBackers, Yu Yu Hakusho, Rurouni Kenshin, and Drawn Together, but the fandom I stick to mostly (character-wise) is Gundam Wing. The others usually appear as “Bishi Harem fanfictions”. I wonder if it possible for a fandom to form around them?

4. What fic(s) are you currently working on?

Do we really want to go there? I have a number of unfinished projects that I want to finish, but I just haven’t had time. AU has priority and damn it all to hell if I don’t get it finished!

5. What fandom did you start in?

Mighty Morpin’ Power Rangers (I also wrote some tripe involving Barry Manilow as a teen).

6. What is your deepest darkest fic-writing secret?

I suffer from severe May Sue-itis. This, combined with Great Minds Think Alike Syndrome, is probably why I can’t seem to get anything written. By the time I convert the daydreams to something that doesn’t scream Mary Sue, somebody else has already beat me to the idea.

7. Do you have any particular quirks/habits to your writing?

While it’s a bitch to transfer (and cuts into my writing time) I prefer to handwrite my stories as I feel it helps with the creative juices.

8. Do you have any fanfiction pet peeves? (Anything that appears in fiction that irritates you, anything at all)

Fangirls who want to look knowledgable by using Japanese words and phrases willy nilly, or use big words they don’t fully comprehend, or can’t spell to save their lives, or write huge author notes (usually bigger than the story/chapter) in which they repeatedly stroke themsleves…..

9. Do you have an OTP?

I have a harem of muses. Unless that stands for “Orgy Taking Place” then no.

10. If you could get someone to write a fic for you right now, what would it be? (please include fandom, characters, scenario, as much detail as possible).

After getting blown off by jade1x2 on a GW 2X4 she promised to write for me EONS ago, I’ve learned not to make requests for fics.

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