Dell is evil! Evil, I tell you!
April 1st, 2006 by Babs

Every day, for three days since the system of my dreams went on sale, I’ve checked on its price and it’s remained the same. Last night, I finally have the money and wouldn’t you know it, the fuckers take it off sale! And on a Friday of all days! Don’t they know that’s when most people get paid? *grumble*

I also had the realization that my printer is almost ten years old and Dells are no longer built with LPT ports. I’m so fucked! Now I have to choose between a new printer and the UPS I was going to buy.

Went to Mahoney’s to pick up some seed potatoes (which I had been told would be in stock by the end of March) only to find they won’t be in until mid April. I did find a nice display of Venus Flytraps, though. I couldn’t see any difference between the the ones in the small pots and the ones in the slightly larger containers, so I bought two of the cheaper ones in the smaller pots. Will have to repot them as they were planted in potting soil, which is a no-no according to the carnivorous plant site that was recommended to me. I figure since both brands had their plants covered with individual “greenhouses”, the more expensive flytraps were also sitting in poor soil conditions. The ones I bought are currently on the windowsill in the living room. Once it warms up enough to move the tomatoes out, I’ll bring them outside, too. They can sit with the sunflower that I expect to come poking up out of the soil within the next few days. Not sure what I’ll do with the flytraps in the winter, though. They can withstand below freezing temps for up to a week, once they are dormant. I think it drops that low for a bit longer than that around here.

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