Out of all the earworms that could’ve burrowed into my brain this morning….
Jun 23rd, 2004 by Babs

This is the song that doesn’t end,
Yes, it goes on and on my friend.
Some people started singing it not knowing what it was,
And they’ll continue singing it forever, just because,
This is the song that doesn’t end….

I’m thinking lamb chops for dinner tonight.

Yo, cathrinetta. Here’s your “written sample”
Jun 21st, 2004 by Babs

This morning, while I was out overseeing my son’s burning of his books, my friend orionpower2001 AIMed me a note about TV-Nihon’s new bittorrent page.

I checked out their new site, and after being generally insulted by their generalization about those who can’t or won’t use IRC to download their fansubs, I attempted to search for their bittorrents. Neither Internet Explorer nor Mozilla could open the page once I found the link to it. IE gave me an “Action Canceled” page and Mozilla just presented a blank page. This either means the page doesn’t exist, in which case the folks at TV-Nihon should not be posting updates about BTs being available for download when no one can access them. Or their new server is overloaded, which should earn them a hard slap for adding more BTs and futher overloading the server.


Unfortunately the only contact info TV-Nihon has is the form of a message board, which we peons are forbidden to post on or reply to any posts already there.

I wonder if anyone else is making the PGSM bittorrents available?

Anyhow, after a very frustrating morning and an afternoon of getting nothing done, I read a post early this evening about a new Teen Titans RPG. Since I’ve always wanted to role play, I signed up and was later approved to participate in the community as Starfire. However, it wouldn’t let me make my introductory post. Apparently the community moderator approved me, then removed me without a word. At least not to me personally, which I thought was extremely rude.

The moderator later added to the community info that he/she/it actually intended to audition potential RPers to play out a scenario he/she/it had created. Meaning they decide who will play and how they will play. I would think that would take alot of the fun out of the game, don’t you? *rolls eyes* I think I’ll pass!


I feel special!
Jun 16th, 2004 by Babs

I knew Jarret’s class was to have it’s poetry recital this week, but neither Jarret nor myself could remember what day it was. We found out this morning that it was today. Even though I looked and probably smelled like a bum (I hate really humid days!), I stayed for it. Jarret had such a shitty morning with his father that I felt really needed me to be there.

Each child read a poem they chose from the ones they learned over the school year, along with one they wrote themselves. Jarret recited “I’d Like to Be a Lighthouse” by Rachel Field. Then he surprised me with a poem he wrote about how he enjoys seeing me march in parades. Squee! Needless to say he got the stuffing hugged out of him after the recital!

In other news, Verizon is making my life more difficult. They now have a new prepay plan which is being offered to newbies, but I can switch over if I want. Currently I pay 30 cents a minute weekdays and 15 cents a minute weeknights, weekends, and when I call someone else’s cell, if they’re on Verizon.

The new plan is 10 cents a minute all the time (they didn’t say if there was a difference when calling other Verizon users, but I’m going to ask). The only catch is that I would have to pay a 25 cent connection fee for each incoming or outgoing call. The bad news is that bumps my first minute up to 35 cents, and most of my calls are less than a minute. However, since I’ve only used $3 of a $30 card I activated when I got the phone a month and a half ago, and I have two weeks to use up the balance or roll it over when I ReUp (as part of Verizon’s rebate I received a $50 card, good for 90 days once it’s activated), I think I need to use my cell phone more often!!!

“Gackt” from Gina Lin
Jun 14th, 2004 by Babs

vr2lbast is the secret lovechild of babspace and nomorespandex!!
kannaophelia kissed fablespinner under the mistletoe. Twice. In June.
baby_pen has embezzled over $9,000,000 from work, and spent it all on their paramour, kannaophelia!
darthanne smokes “special cigarettes” right behind apt_indignation‘s back!
duonekophile knows *just* how long to hold them down for.
baby_pen has secret fantasies about George W. Bush…

Enter your username to dish the dirt on your friends!

Anne, you are going to share right?

Flaking off
Jun 12th, 2004 by Babs

I should be busy creating a listing to upload to my eBay store. But I’m not. I didn’t do one yesterday either, and my goal is to upload at least one each “work day”.

I didn’t feel so bad about not listing yesterday as James, Harry and Yugi have finally allowed me to get some crafting done. Yes, I spent last night working on a simple macrame bracelet, followed by getting a necklace half completed. My fingers are now quite sore. One of them even has a bruise. Wow! It’s amazing to think that it’s been at least 6 months since I last created anything.

So today I still don’t feel like listing and my fingers are too tender to do any more crafting. I could be writing, but Quatre hasn’t decided whether chapter one should actually be separated into two chapters, which would make what I’ve written already eligible for posting. Until he decides I’m holding off. And he’s in hiding (along with the other muses) while my boys are camping out in front of the TV in my room.


I have no idea what to do now.

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