I feel special!
Jun 16th, 2004 by Babs

I knew Jarret’s class was to have it’s poetry recital this week, but neither Jarret nor myself could remember what day it was. We found out this morning that it was today. Even though I looked and probably smelled like a bum (I hate really humid days!), I stayed for it. Jarret had such a shitty morning with his father that I felt really needed me to be there.

Each child read a poem they chose from the ones they learned over the school year, along with one they wrote themselves. Jarret recited “I’d Like to Be a Lighthouse” by Rachel Field. Then he surprised me with a poem he wrote about how he enjoys seeing me march in parades. Squee! Needless to say he got the stuffing hugged out of him after the recital!

In other news, Verizon is making my life more difficult. They now have a new prepay plan which is being offered to newbies, but I can switch over if I want. Currently I pay 30 cents a minute weekdays and 15 cents a minute weeknights, weekends, and when I call someone else’s cell, if they’re on Verizon.

The new plan is 10 cents a minute all the time (they didn’t say if there was a difference when calling other Verizon users, but I’m going to ask). The only catch is that I would have to pay a 25 cent connection fee for each incoming or outgoing call. The bad news is that bumps my first minute up to 35 cents, and most of my calls are less than a minute. However, since I’ve only used $3 of a $30 card I activated when I got the phone a month and a half ago, and I have two weeks to use up the balance or roll it over when I ReUp (as part of Verizon’s rebate I received a $50 card, good for 90 days once it’s activated), I think I need to use my cell phone more often!!!

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