Aug 4th, 2003 by Babs

Welcome to the semi-new and maybe improved What’s News page. I’ve been accessing this page almost on a daily basis to check the weather and it disgusts me that I’ve almost gone another two months without an update.
    If nothing else I’ve updated this page. I’ve been tossing around the idea of replacing the page with a blog to make updating a bit easier, but Tripod’s blogs leave little room for tweaking if you aren’t familiar with CSS. So instead I decided to learn how to do frames and incorporated the blog into the original page. If you don’t do frames, I apologize. The rest of the site is frames free for that reason, but they were the only way I could figure to achieve my goal on this page.

Business has been going well. Things have slowed slightly, but they should pick back up once I get my new shipment of Tarot Erotica decks. Due to another seller swiping my picture for the decks (you’d think a seller with five eBay years and over 1400 positive feedbacks would know better, but they learned 30 minutes after I reported it) the decks now have to be moved to the Mature Audience, which will make it harder for folks to find them since I’m told items in that category don’t come up under the regular search. So if you’re looking for my Tarot Erotica decks, that’s where you find them.

I’m going to DCA (if I remember correctly, that’s Drum Corps Association)! Yup! Yup! I may have been relegated to the Honor Guard )or the “Khakis” as Sandy, the colorgaurd captain loves to call us) but I’m going to be there. Just look for the one screwing everything up. :o)

We have a new car! Well new to us, anyways. And Goddess help the Cody’s if I find their car parked next to it! We had a problem where the old Lumina would develop a new scratch or ding everytime their car was next to it. If it weren’t for the fact that the Lumina was 13 years old and falling apart I’m sure Glenn would’ve ripped the father a new one since the scratches always lined up with his (teenage) kid’s door. So the new car, a Ford Taurus Wagon, is now parked far away from where they usually park (they have a cow if they can’t park in front of the building’s entrance), and I’m keeping a close eye on it, armed with my panic alarm.
    An interesting thing happened the night before we picked up the car: apparently the police caught some kids in the Lumina. I have no idea how they got in since the doors were locked, but there they were. They were in for a surprise, though, as the car was empty in preparation to be taken to the junkyard the next day. I’f you happen to live off the bikepath, or near Grove ST, do keep an eye out. Of course this is all irrelevant if you don’t live in Arlington, MA. *grin*

Well I better get going. I still need to make sure this page looks okay in its frame. It looked fine without text, but I want to make sure it looks okay with the text.



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