Weekly Weigh In
Dec 15th, 2008 by Babs

Yes. I know it has been quite awhile since I last did one of these. Life has kept me busy, so I haven’t had time to exercise as much as I would like to. Add to the fact that the teen broke my scale…

This is as accurate as I can get. I’m standing on the edges of the scale so that the weight doesn’t get distributed toward the middle where the crack is. Anyways, I’m inching upwards again, though only to 164.5. I dug out my body fat calculator. I know it isn’t as accurate as a caliper test. The fact that there’s a 3 percentage point difference between the “Athlete” (29.6%) and “Normal” (32.6%) readings proves this. But it’s all I got and something semi-accurate is better than nothing. šŸ™‚

The watch for my heart rate monitor went AWOL for a week. It seems Glenn knocked it onto the floor, placed it on top of the TV (instead of the shelf, where I left it) and it then got knocked behind the TV. Now that I have it again I decided to recalibrate my workout range. I AM a year older, after all. This morning my RHR was 66bpm. Boy am I really starting to feel out of shape! I plan on taking two more measurements then averaging all three out. Why wait until New Years Day to get back on track?

Dec 6th, 2008 by Babs

I was having computer problems. Often, when I would turn my computer back on after either shutting it down, or it going into hibernation, all I’d get was a prompt about the BIOS. Because the computer’s diagnostic lights were indicating a mystery failure I called my uncle for assistance. It turned out to be my graphics card, which I had popped out of place when I hooked up the digital connection to my monitor and thought I had popped back. Obviously not. It took me about 15 minutes to figure out how to open the doo-hickey that Dell uses to hold the cards in place but once I did, and fully removed and replaced the card, everything started working again.

After my uncle and I fixed the damn thing, we chatted for a bit. He asked me if I had received an email from our friends, “the Fluffys,” inviting me to their XMas Eve Dinner, and Holiday Party. I had not, and wasn’t really put off by it… until I learned that the Holiday Party is to be held on the 20th. This is the date I am hosting my Yule gathering. A gathering I invtied everyone who was present at Thanksgiving Dinner (including the Fluffys) to. So yeah, I’m not a happy camper.

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