Overall Update
Aug 14th, 2008 by Babs

<div class=\"pavatar\">Overall Update</div>

The errors I was originally seeing have been fixed. I’m now occasionally coming across glitches as the result of the combination of permalinks and certain themes. The Omnomnom theme that was originally here was cute but the fact that it kept shifting, like, 5 pixels back and forth between pages annoyed the hell out of me. Unfortunately, because of the aforementioned permalink issue, finding a suitable replacement is going to be tough. One I found wouldn’t work with any of the permalink settings!

I’ve also decided to keep my blog on InsaneJournal, for now. I will be creating a link to it momentarily.

Aug 3rd, 2008 by Babs

For the past couple of days I’ve been having trouble sleeping. Instead of a good night’s sleep I’ve been getting multiple napes, one right after the other. Obviously, while they are short, I am getting deep enough to dream… of cleaning the house, washing the clothes, surfing the web, talking to people. You know. Mundane stuff. The dreams are so vivid, with no indication that they are dreams, I’m becoming rather disoriented, unable to tell if a particular action was real or just in my head. I’m not sick, which is usually when I have such detailed dreams. Plus they aren’t good dreams *waggles eyebrows* which are most common when I’m ill. Yes, I’m stressed but not only have I been stressed for awhile, I’m never able to remember my dreams when I’m under pressure. Honestly, unless I’ve reached a whole new, previously unexpolred level of strees, I can’t figure out what could be triggering these dreams.

To add insult to injury, I think someone or something is trying to drive me insane. With my parents’ help. šŸ™‚ Wednesday my father called from his cell phone. The exchange? 715. Since he and my stepmom were planning to go away this weekend he wanted to give me her cell phone number as he rarely uses his. Her exchange is also 715. Half an hour later my dad emails me to let me know he gave me the wrong number. The correct prefix is 716. No problem. I change it in my phone.

Last night (Friday), while my phone was charging and I was out having a kretek break, someone calls. The exchange is 715, so my first thought is that my father was right the first time. Being late I decide to text my stepmom’s phone. No sooner do I send the message when I discover that my dad had called me from HIS phone. Unfortunately Glenn had arrived home from work so I couldn’t forward the message to the correct phone.

This morning I received another call on my cell. This time I see 716. Even though I briefly think that if it was either of my parents their names would’ve come up, too, I answer it anyway. It’s turns out to be an elderly sounding woman looking for someone named “Beverly”. I politely told them they had the wrong number and checked the caller ID again. Yup. 716. Only this time it’s the area code.

At some point this afternoon I came to the conclusion that this is getting a little weird. There seems to be some significance to “716”, even though it occured less often. Of course, since I’m dealing with numbers the first thing that comes to my mind is to play the Lottery. So I played the Numbers Game (or the NUMB3R5 Game, as it is now known as). 716X, first three, exact order. I just checked the Lottery’s website. Toight’s number? 1673. *headdesk*

I feel like I’ve just been Punk’d.

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