New Theme. Not Really.
Aug 19th, 2008 by Babs

<div class=\"pavatar\">New Theme. Not Really.</div>

The WordPress theme site hasn’t had any new themes added in almost a week. Out of sheer boredom I redownloaded the Dum-Dum theme, which apparently has been updated to work with widgets. Unfortunately, while it allows you to designate a different color for each widget, it also groups the colors together, instead of allowing me to scatter them randomly along the sidebar. Not pretty in my book. So, for shits and grins I decided to give OmNomMonster one more try, thinking I might be fix the shifting problem by playing with the CSS.

The stylesheet offered nothing and I was just about to go back to the theme I have been using for the last few days when I discovered something: the reason why it’s shifting is because on some pages there isn’t enough content to make the “monster” reach the bottom, and thus doesn’t activate the scroll bar. Those that are, do, and, in turn,  cause the monster to shift to the left. *facepalm* So I’m back with OmNomMonster, despite it’s incredible simplicity and childishness. At least untill I find another theme that knocks me off my feet. Now all I have to do is figure out why the monster doesn’t get taller to accommodate the sidbar widgets.

Because it’s what Mrs. Robinson would do.
Aug 17th, 2008 by Babs

Swiped from windsorblue.

The Pretty Boy Meme.
1. Pick a hot guy… take a moment to think.
2. Is this really the guy you want?
3. Pick his top 10 hottest, cutest, most irresistible pictures.
4. Tag 5 people to do the same.

It’s a good thing I don’t beleive in the place. Otherwise, I’d so be going there.

Aug 15th, 2008 by Babs

<div class=\"pavatar\">WordPress</div>

I awoke this morning to see all of my dashboards proudly displayng a banner reading: WordPress 2.6.1 is available! Please update now. Oh. Fuck. No!

Theme Update
Aug 14th, 2008 by Babs

<div class=\"pavatar\">Theme Update</div>

Currently using “WhitePlus”. Have made some modifications to get rid of the page bar that runs across, as well as the text that appears in the footer. It doesn’t look bad, but I’d rather have a two column theme, or at least a three column theme that has the links on opposite sides of the page.

Websites and stuff
Aug 14th, 2008 by Babs

Been busy working on both Max’s and my website/blogs. We had a brief setback when an important page in the dashboards kept sending me to various error pages. After much surfing of the WordPress forums and a supprot ticket, it turned out the mere acronym “XML-PRC” was setting off alarms with DrakNet’s security (they block the use of it). Jen tweaked the settings, and although she insists this didn’t affect anything other than the pages containing the bad word, immediately afterward I started having issues with my permalinks.

Back at the forums I found a number of posts about the problem. Many of the responses included snarky remarks about getting a real hosting company (most of those with the problem were on Go Daddy) but the few that offered good advice said to play around with the permalink settings. Even though the posts referred to earlier versions of WordPress, I decided to give it a try.

A Web Site Created by Babs was fairly easy. Switching it from the custom setting it mysteriously became set to after the Apache upgrade produced no results, but bumping it up to the first “pretty permalink” setting did. Max’s Maxwell Pink Tells Stories required a bit more coaxing, along with a few choice words. After running through the permalink list twice it finally decided it liked the custom setting it had originally been at. *headdesk* Oddly, AWCBB will only work with permalinks containing “index.php” whereas Max’s blog will only work with those that don’t. I can’t figure it out. At this point I don’t really care as long as the stupid things work.

In the meantime I imported Babs’ CookBook into WordPress and renamed it “Babs Gets Cooking.” I figure now that the store is kaput, and text takes up much less space than images, I’ve got all the room in the world for all of my blogs. I’ve got a whopping 15 recipes posted if anyone wishes to check them out. I’ve still got my BOS to move, but that’ll have to wait until tomorrow.

Back to “A Web Site Created by Babs.” I was originally planning to use it as both a website and a blog but since I’d be crossposting between here and WP, and DrakNet doesn’t allow XML-PRC which I need to use Semagic, I just popped in a link to InsaneJournal instead. So I no longer need a three column theme. No biggie since OmNomNom, while incredibly cute, was beginning to annoy the hell out of me with it constant shifting. Re-enter the permalink issue. Apparently some of the themes I’ve been testing prevent permalinks from working AT ALL, regardless of the setting. ARRRRRGGGGGH!! I’ve got a rather pretty one up now. It’s and intermittent one, being a three column theme, but it’ll do until I find another. Then I can work on actual content!

A little voice in the back of my head is telling me I should resurrect the Pinkish Pages and its Lavender Room. Yes, I know, there are tons of multi-fandom sites around now, and if I did bring them back I’d have to start from scratch, but that voice is insistent and has even pointed out that there are a number of multi-author themes available now (in addition to the fact that once I get them set up, the authors can post their own works). So. Bring back the Pinkish Pages, yay or nay?

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