September 21st, 2007 by Babs

Now that I’ve got the hang of it, I’m in love with ?Torrent. I love how it automatically switches between torrents when there isn’t any activity. I was having a problem with my computer going into hibernation when ?Torrent was running, but then I figured out that the program halted while it waited for me to acknowledge the firewall prompt. As I was asleep, the computer naturally assumed nothing was going on and shut down. Now I have to figure out whether I should be letting ?Torrent send email. The newest version of BitComet made the same request when I ran it, but I can’t recall what happenes when I clicked “deny”. I know, I know! I shouldn’t suds and surf. That’s why tonight I have vodka! šŸ˜€

The apartment is getting cleaner day by day. I’m feeling very proud of myself. šŸ™‚ I’m still tweaking my laundry routine. I’ve decided that jeans, and most sweatshirts and towels, will have to be machine washed. This is mostly because Ben is whining about scratchy pants and towels. He also had a few things to say about his hand laundered underwear, until I pointed out that I manage to wear mine just fine and my “bits” are a tad more sensitive.

Just received an email from one of the companies I previously applied to. They are looking for seasonal help and requested I reapply. Since my application is supposed to be good for 90 days, and I applied during the first week of August, I’m usure as to whether I should or not. *shrugs*

I’ve created another Sim. This one I will admit doesn’t really look all that much like who he’s supposed to be, but I figure the red pirate costume makes up for it.

I highly recommend Dr. Jeffrey Thompson’s assorted works for listening to while meditating. Some of the Hemi-Sync stuff is good, too. They both put me in the right frame of mind. And if they provide additional benifits, then so be it. šŸ™‚

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