Babs is being a dumbass and needs your advice.
Jun 29th, 2007 by Babs

I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately. After watching what little profits I was making from my store fade into the nothingness, I’ve been considering shutting the store down and working locally as a hobbyist. But what to do with the web space?

My first thought was to recreate A Website Created by Babs (after the fight I went through with Tripod, did you think I was just going to give the domain up?), but most of what I wanted to keep from the original site has already taken form on LJ. I could move it all, but would it be worth it?

Then I thought about the Pinkish Pages. When I first created the archives my goal was to create a place where authors of various fandoms could share their works with the rest of the world, forever. Kind of like, only by “invitation only” so there could be some sort of crap filter. šŸ™‚ Unfortunately, Tripod didn’t have the fancy features needed to create such a forum, and single-handedly adding them manually created a major backlog for me from which I never did get caught up. On DrakNet, though, I have access to a number of programs that I may be able to use to create such a place. But should I? Do we really need another fanfic archive? More importantly, would I be able to ask for and get enough donations to cover at least half of the running costs?

*sigh* I really don’t want to get rid of the space, but what else can I do with it?

Jun 26th, 2007 by Babs

Ben is offically enrolled in Summer School. He failed both English and Gym, so he has to take English over the summer or be kept back. Gym he can take in his Senior year. We were able to get financial aid. We had to provide documentation of our housing assistance, and Ben had to sign an agreement that says he WILL pass the course or Mom will get to beat the $275 she will have to reimburse the school out of him (well, maybe not in those exact words).

I spent yesterday playing around with Sunbird and Lightning, two calendar programs from Mozilla. Sunbird is a stand alone, Lightning is an add on to Thunderbird. I liked working with Sunbird better, but it was a major resource hog. Lightning seemed to behave better, but neither would let me print out a task list which is primarily what I wanted the program for. I ended up with a far-from-flashy-yet-free online service called Remember the Milk. It’s gotten some good reviews, though I am a wee bit concerned that it’s been in Beta for like two years. šŸ™‚ So far I’ve got my daily chores added. Later this week I’ll add in the weekly and monthly stuff. I’m going to try and integrate it with Google Calendar. I’ve already tried with both Sunbird and Lightning without success (the times are all wrong). I’m hoping to eventually eliminate my paper datebook (which began replacing my Lotus datebook software back in 2000 because it wasn’t Y2K compliant).

I’m trying to decide whether or not to switch over to my summer hours. I miss hanging out with my late night buds, but I’m not so sure they miss me. šŸ™‚ Then there’s the fact that I can get more stuff done in the morning, before the boys (who stay up all night) get up. Decisions, decisions!

Jun 20th, 2007 by Babs

This weekend is my Solstice Potluck cookout. It’s pretty much the only family and friends gathering I can host, due to lack of space, so it’s pretty important to me.

A while back Glenn asked me if I invited our next door neighbors. No, because they annoy the fucking hell out of me! The last time they came to a cookout (note I did not say they were invited) they grabbed plates of food and ran back into their apartment. Unfortunately he had already invited them before even asking me.

Cue the annoyance.

Swiped from a whole lotta friends
Jun 12th, 2007 by Babs

What type of Fae are you?

Jun 9th, 2007 by Babs

If there are one or more people on your friends list who make your world a better place just because they exist, and who you would not have met (in real life or not) without the Internet, then post this same sentence in your journal.

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