Payback is a bitch
April 11th, 2004 by Babs

Some of you may already know this, as I spoke to you about it last night, so you are exempt from reading it now.

I had long ago come to the conclusion that Glenn loves to bitch. It’s what he lives for. It makes him feel important. But that doesn’t mean I have to put up with it.

One of the things he likes to bitch about is how, as the man of the house he deserves to have large quantities of money in his pocket, and how he’s sick and tired of this not being a reality. He wanted the entertainment system. He wanted the big screen TV. He wanted to buy a 2000 model car instead of an older, more affordable one. He’s the one who wants to go out to dinner every week. It’s no wonder I can’t keep a budget! 98% of my “allowance” goes toward paying the bills and making sure the boys have what they need because the money has to come from somewhere, and Glenn sure as hell ain’t gonna make the sacrifice. The last really nice thing I bought myself? A digital camera, and that I bought for my business last year.

And speaking of my business, that’s another thing he likes to whine about. According to him all I do all day is sit on my ass, in front of my computer. Now, there are alot of people who do this as it’s often part of the job description. But because my office happens to be at home, I’m not really working. Also, since I’m “home all day” I should be able to do all the housekeeping. Is Glenn taking time off from work to wash the floors? No. So why should I?

So last night I finally got around to doing our taxes. Part of the delay was due to my falling behind in my business’ bookkeeping (I was afraid I was wasting “Glenn time”). But by the time I had gotten caught up, the money I had set aside to file the taxes online had been spent. And Turbo Turbo tax charges nearly twice the amount to file after the 1st of April, so I had to wait until the next payday. Fortunately H&R Block is $5 cheaper (and much easier to use) so I saved a bit there filing both federal and state.

Anyhow, because we had received the “Bush Tax Credit” last August, and the town took out piddly in taxes for Glenn, the only thing keeping us from paying taxes was the Earned Income Credit the other child tax credit. Then I added my “income” (I was $79 in the red by the end of last year). I don’t know how, but the deductions from my business expenses bumped us from nearly paying to nearly a $3000 refund. Not bad for someone who sits on her ass, in front of a computer all day, eh?

So then I had to tell both the IRS and the DOR which account I’d like to electronically deposit the refund into. That’s when I thought, “Gee, I’ve been putting up with so much shit about my business from Glenn, and since it’s my business that got us this refund, then I don’t see why my business shouldn’t get that money”. Can you say “21-inch flat screen monitor?”

Glenn doesn’t know I filed. He thinks I’m going to wait until the 15th, because I’m “so damn lazy”. He’s definitely not going to know how much of a refund we’re I’m getting… unless he should kiss the ass that sits all day in front of the computer.

*evil grin*

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2 Responses  
  • misanagi writes:
    April 12th, 200412:33 amat

    Good for you!

    You deserve that money so keep it for yourself, no Glen, no the kids and no general things needed in the house. Is for you and if it’s a 21 inch flat screen monitor you want, then your business deserves it. *hugs*

  • vr2lbast writes:
    April 12th, 20046:24 amat

    A capital solution!

    Then claim it next year and keep THAT as well.

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