Aug 30th, 2008 by Babs

Why do all the pretty themes have to have major flaws? Found a new possible theme called “Kaleidescope.” The post backgrounds are different colors, based on the date, and they get darker with age. I loved the concept! However, there seem to be issues with how the theme is viewed in IE… at least on my site there is. I also cannot adjust the CPL measure to make the post text easier to read. šŸ™

I left the theme’s author a note. Hopefully they will take care of those things (along with any other bugs that may have been found). While it is a rather plain theme, I feel it’s kind of the writer’s version of the photoblogger’s “Monotone.”

Babs Gets Cooking Update
Aug 29th, 2008 by Babs

<div class=\"pavatar\">Babs Gets Cooking Update</div>

While juggling the sites I managed to get a few new recipes posted to my online recipe file.

Almost Orange Julius

Corned Beef in Beer

Caribbean Kebobs

“Reduced Fat” Ground Beef

I also changed the URL from to, as the former seemed rather redundant. šŸ™‚


And One More Thing!
Aug 27th, 2008 by Babs

<div class=\"pavatar\">And One More Thing!</div>

I’ve added “Share This” to to my blog, so feel free to share the love as soon as you think I’ve written something good. šŸ™‚

A Few More Changes
Aug 27th, 2008 by Babs

<div class=\"pavatar\">A Few More Changes</div>

Theme is back to WhitePlus. While I’m not fond of the way the two sidebars are cramped, OmNomMonster was really starting to piss me off. Until I can find something more suitable this is it. I almost had the perfect theme: a notebook with post-its for the sidebar. Unfortunately it wasn’t widget compatible and there weren’t enough post-its to accommodate all the things I have in my sidebar. It was beautiful, though.

While I’m waiting for the ultimate theme to be designed I’ve been busy working on the other sites. Maxwell Pink’s theme will be seeing an update soon, between Roam2Rome’s update of her coffee desk theme and the replacement of the coffee cup with a can of Diet Mountain Dew.

I have created two new categories. One will be where you can find my weight loss progress. The other will speak of my aquarium, which I’m currently overhauling. As I can’t crosspost to WordPress, and it’s a pain to copy and paste then email the posts, I’ve been trying to decide which topics I’ll discuss here. I guess I’ll figure it out sooner or later. In the meantime I’ve reversed the two sidebars. šŸ™‚

New Theme. Not Really.
Aug 19th, 2008 by Babs

<div class=\"pavatar\">New Theme. Not Really.</div>

The WordPress theme site hasn’t had any new themes added in almost a week. Out of sheer boredom I redownloaded the Dum-Dum theme, which apparently has been updated to work with widgets. Unfortunately, while it allows you to designate a different color for each widget, it also groups the colors together, instead of allowing me to scatter them randomly along the sidebar. Not pretty in my book. So, for shits and grins I decided to give OmNomMonster one more try, thinking I might be fix the shifting problem by playing with the CSS.

The stylesheet offered nothing and I was just about to go back to the theme I have been using for the last few days when I discovered something: the reason why it’s shifting is because on some pages there isn’t enough content to make the “monster” reach the bottom, and thus doesn’t activate the scroll bar. Those that are, do, and, in turn,Ā  cause the monster to shift to the left. *facepalm* So I’m back with OmNomMonster, despite it’s incredible simplicity and childishness. At least untill I find another theme that knocks me off my feet. Now all I have to do is figure out why the monster doesn’t get taller to accommodate the sidbar widgets.

»  Substance:WordPress   »  Style:Ahren Ahimsa
© All content (unless otherwise noted) copyright Babs L Powers