Jan 8th, 2008 by Babs

Well, things are slowly getting back to normal. I spent a couple of days going through my email accounts via webmail. Fortunately RCN gives me 500 MB and a month and a half of email didn’t even put a dent iin the space allotted. Unfortunately this meant reading and deletng over 10,000 emails! šŸ˜› I’ve decided that I hate RCN’s webmail with a passion, as it doesn’t automatically include any portion of the emails I’m replying to, thus forcing me to cut and paste.

Feels good to be getting back into my normal routine, even if the body aches a bit for it. Glenn still doesn’t understand the need for those of us with ADD to have lists. He’s of the mind that you should be able to just see it and know whether it needs to be done. Yeah. If I did that I’d be running around the apartment, accomplishing nothing. Glenn got my foot up his ass yesterday for bitching about what I didn’t do, ignoring what I did, and generally being an asshole.

I screwed up last week in figuring my caloric needs and ending up gaining two pounds as a result. šŸ˜› Hopefully I’ve done the calculations correctly this week. I’m bummed because I can’t access Leslie Sansone’s site to see what’s up with my friends there. Methinks the website overhaul is having some negative impact. In the meantime I plan on getting in a set with the weights. I had bought an 8 pounder last summer for a two-handed move. Now that I’m strong enough for one in each hand Reebok had to discontinue the style. By sheer luck I managed to find a mate at Target. Because it wouldn’t come up with a price (because, according to their system, none of the stores should still have any in stock) I was able to nab it for $2! Yay!

*looks at time* I think it’s time I start doing some of those things on today’s list. *dons Sansa* Let’s go!

Who the frick is Dennis Kucinich?
Jan 6th, 2008 by Babs

81% Dennis Kucinich
78% Mike Gravel
76% John Edwards
71% Hillary Clinton
70% Barack Obama
68% Joe Biden
68% Chris Dodd
66% Bill Richardson
32% Rudy Giuliani
29% Mitt Romney
26% John McCain
24% Tom Tancredo
22% Fred Thompson
21% Mike Huckabee
21% Ron Paul

2008 Presidential Candidate Matching Quiz

I’m back!
Jan 5th, 2008 by Babs

Sort of.

Quatre is still in the shop (Yes, I named my computer Quatre. His predecessor was called Shinigami. *grin*). After ripping the repair shop a new one for still not having my computer fixed they gave me a laptop loaner. Allow me to share my anoyance for its even smaler than the library’s computer’s keyboard: jugfuipovhZVknADFK!!!!!! They have promised me they will have it fixed by next Thursday. Yeah, sure.

In the meantime I’ve ben slowly going through stuf I haven’t beenable to acess for awhile. I downloaded a copy of Rhapsody so that Benand I can finally update our Sansas. I have listened to the 310 songs on mine so many times I’m nauseatedby them now. I also installed Firefox. Apparently these geeks aren’t aware of the security issues with IE, but then they also chose to ignore the semi shegeek when she pointed out that it was the power supply that need to be replaced to begin with. I’m not going to attempt to install Thunderbird. Instead I will try and access my accounts RCN’s webmail (the site, along with Yahoogroups, kept timing out with the library’s computers). That I will try in the morning… well later in the morning. Then I’ll attempt Google Calendar and Remember the Milk.

So. What has everyone been up to since I’ve been MIA?

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