Thank you Rhapsody!
Nov 3rd, 2007 by Babs

Last week I learned that Rhapsody and Urge (the two music download thingies I use) decided to merge. It was made official last Friday. Yesterday, after discovering I could download tunes onto my computer, have WMP recognize and play them, and use WMP to put them on my Sansa (thus meaning I no longer have to switch between programs, which has been the bane of some of my player problems) I decided to go “shopping”. Within the last week Rhapsody has addded Eric Stuart (which neither Rhapsody nor Urge carried up until now) and they now have almost the entire J. Geils Band catalog. To the best of my knowledge they are only missing their second “Best of” album, Sanctuary (which I already have on CD) and “Showtime”, which I would’ve owned a long time ago had they not made it unavailable on CD until recently. It was the last new album the band put out with Peter Wolf, and it was also released on my 18th birthday, so you know it has some special meaning to me. šŸ™‚ Anyway, thanks to the merge, I can now listen to my favorite songs that I previously ceased to have access to since I no longer have record player, and can’t afford to replace the other half of my collection.

Now if they can only get some Rex Smith.

In other news, even though I was only able to write for two hours (thus far) over the last three days, I have managed to get 1479 words written. That’s much better than my start of “BabsNoWriMo” (BTW I started over for NaNo). I’m going to see if I can sneak in an hour this afternoon and another tonight, and see if I can begin to get caught up. At least I got the two main characters introduced.

Life in Arlington
Nov 1st, 2007 by Babs

Halloween has come and gone without anyone killing someone else. As I mentioned in an earlier post, Jarret had an evil ceremonial magician type costume. It seems the Gods sided with me as the huge honking pentacle that, for some reason, accompanied the costume went AWOL. And no, I didn’t have anything to do with it. Ben took the first shift as Glenn drove me to practice. I could’ve taken the train in, but no, Glenn insisted I be an inconvenience. šŸ˜› Got through practice without a meltdown, which means I am actually starting to remember the shit. Yay! After dropping Jarret off, Glenn then came and picked me up. I will admit it! I gorged on candy last night. But I’ve been working my ass off so it shouldn’t have too much of an impact in the grand scheme of things.

In other, totally unrealated news, I’ve gone on a Chris Young kick. *licks icon* I’m thinking if I can generate enough energy he can enjoy the same prosperity some of his fellow 80’s cuties are currently savoring. šŸ™‚ Here’s to wishful thinking. *licks icon again for good luck*

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