Who says blond(e)s have all the fun?
Apr 6th, 2004 by Babs

I don’t remember who I swiped this from:

WAAAAAHH!! You’re inner Bombshell is the zany
Lucille Ball! You like making people laugh, but
also know how to turn on the glamour when the
time is right. To most guys you’re the perfect
all-around gal. But sometimes you get into
trouble and have a heckuva time talking your
way out of it. You may be accident-prone on the
outside, but your a first class business woman
on the inside. A pioneer, so to say. Lucy can
still be seen hamming it up on her most famous
television series “I Love Lucy”.

Who is your inner bombshell?
brought to you by Quizilla

Apr 2nd, 2004 by Babs


I just got the email from the USPS. The missing tube has been delivered! I’ve notified PayPal, and although I still have to wait for the offical word, it appears the dispute is over! *does a happy dance*

Apr 2nd, 2004 by Babs

And on his farm he had a perverted frog E-I-E-I-0, with a rubbit rubbit here…

darthanne ? billion_dlr_boy ? Do either of you have a pair of horns that I might borrow? I’m feeling particularly devilish today.

Mr. Matthews could’ve had a partial refund by today for his missing tinwhistle, but he chose to be an impatient little prick. Last night I received an email from PayPal confirming the receipt of my side of the story. They said they’d let both Mr. Matthews and myself know the verdict in 30 days.

Yes, PayPal may rule in his favor. Yes, he may even get a full refund. But he now has to wait 30 days for it!! Bwahahahaha! And in that time, who knows? Maybe the missing tinwhistle will turn up and this whole mess can get dismissed. What a dumbass!

In other news, preparations for the Light Brigade’s trip to Wildwood, New Jersey have begun. We’ll be down there the 4th-6th of June. Parade, mini concert, amusement park!

The colorguard has been working on our routine for the Theme from Robin Hood (no Sandy we are not going to wear green tights!), and rumor has it “American Salute” will be replaced with another patriotic medley, featuring Stars and Stripes Forever Quatre’s Theme (Be kind to your web-footed friend, for a duck may be somebodies’ lover! *laughs myself silly*), which means we’ll have to learn another routine once we master RH. Now if we had regular access to a gym this would not be a problem, but trying to fit 17 people with 5-foot poles into a 20×20-foot space and then teaching them a new routine is damn near impossible to do! So we have to break down into groups, which takes longer. šŸ™

Amber is giving me the hint that I’ve been sitting in front of my computer too long. She has stretched out across my lap and is making it quite difficult to type. I guess I’ll just hit update for now.

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