What I Did During My Internet Hiatus
Jan 7th, 2010 by Babs

<div class=\"pavatar\">What I Did During My Internet Hiatus</div>

For those of you who weren’t aware, we lost our internet access (and cable and phone) back in October. Funny how these companies actually expect you to pay for their services. LOL Anyways, what was supposed to be a short break from the home internet turned into nearly a three month stint because, as they say, everything that could go wrong did. šŸ˜›

Immediately after things got turned off I started my almost daily treks to the Winchester Public Library to use their computers. I informed those who needed to know of alternate ways to contact me, since my only phone was my cell and the only way I could read my email was via my sites cpanel which Firefox (on my home computer) had the only remaining copy of the password to. I spent most of my daily internet hour doing payouts on King of the World and trying to keep up as much as I could with friends on Facebook. Sadly, because I was unable to set up my own friendlies, my land on KoTW took some major abuse — especially during the week before coming back online at home.

At home I watched a lot of DVDs. First from my own collection, supplemented with ones rented from Netflix. Then I started hitting the library’s collection. Since a good portion of that time was spent crocheting for upcoming craft fairs it didn’t matter if most of it was brainless fodder. šŸ™‚

I finished up my colorguard practices for the year and did an awesome performance at Plymouth. I was very proud of myself! I had posted a video of the show on Facebook, and had planned on doing the same here, but it seems the video’s owner has removed it. Boo!

Glenn has been Glenn. He still thinks that the little drummer boy and I have a thing as well as that the entire drum corps nation is trying to keep it a secret. He insists that the guy was at a practice a couple of weeks before the Plymouth show. At first he said he know because of the look several guard members gave him after something he said. This is despite the fact that none of the Crusader colorguard members knew what was going on until a week after the guy supposedly appeared. Now Glenn is saying he actually saw the guy being escorted out by a group or corps members just as he (Glenn) walked in.

Back in November Glenn had a mild heart attack. I’d love to have some sympathy for him but after I’ll I’ve been though… His own stupidity hasn’t helped, either. He had been suffering from shortness of breath for a week prior and it took him almost as long to make an appointment to see his doctor. The night before the appointment he was wheezing badly, like he had pneumonia, but refused to go to the hospital because he was going to see his doctor in the morning. His doctor took one look at him and demanded he immediately go to the hospital. Apparently his heart isn’t beating all that well (most likely due to all the boozing he’s been doing) and was so weak that his liver and kidneys couldn’t do their jobs and his lungs filled with fluid as the result. Upon release from the hospital he was given strict instructions not to drink. He swears he hasn’t been, yet he’s been doing a lot of “walking” (that requires the car), spending much time in the bathroom, and exhibiting minty fresh breath. Plus he’s also cold and tired about the same time every day (earlier on weekends). He claims this is because of the medications, but he takes the same meds at night that he does in the morning and he has no problem during the day. That’s if he remembers to take them, that is. And yet he’s still cold and tired, then, too.

Last month the rear brake lines on the Taurus either started rotting or some stupid critter gnawed at them. Either way the car was leaking mass amounts of brake fluid. The car was supposed to stay put until we could afford to take it to a mechanic but Glenn is so special he decided to drive it anyway. Shortly before Christmas he was driving down to Arlington, lost control of the car, couldn’t stop, and hit a wall — totaling the car. Did I mention he was also driving uninsured, unregistered and with an expired inspection sticker? *headdesk* I’m still waiting for the “YOU’RE FUCKED!” letter from either the Arlington Police Department or the RMV. We are looking at new cars. Well, new to us. Yesterday I found a 2000 Honda Civic with just 54K on it for under $6500. Damn good shape, too. If the credit union approves the loan we may have it on the road by next week. If we get it, I’m going to do everything I can to get my license ASAP. Not just because we now live in a town that’s apparently too good for public transportation, but because I plan to own that car in the near future — and Glenn will be paying for the gas, if you catch my drift.

Anyways. This has been my long overdue update. I’ll be posting more frequently now that I’m back online at home, especially since it seems that I’ve finally worked out the kink in Twitter Tools. I’m sure I’ll have lots more Stupid Glenn Tricks to share, too.

Stay tuned. šŸ™‚

Babs’ Tweets for 2010-01-07
Jan 7th, 2010 by Babs

  • Trying one more thing to get Twitter Tools to work. It's drastic (for me) so I hope it does the trick. #
  • just voted "Boxers" on "What type of underwear do you like to see on guys?" vote too ? #
  • just voted "Sneakers" on "Favorite type of shoes?" vote too ? #
  • Actually I prefer barefoot. It's the healthiest. #

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